Internal consumption entry slip Provide customs applying service of imported and exported goods for exhibitor. 国内消费商品进口报关单为展商提供进出口货物的报关服务。
Free consumption entry He returned his earnings as& 6000on the tax declaration. 免消费税输入申报单他在税单上申报他的收入为六千镑。
VAT and the Consumption Tax on imported goods were collected by General Customs Administration(" Customs") at the point of entry. 对进口产品征收的增值税和消费税由海关总署(海关)在入境地征收。
The Development Tendency of China's Consumption after Its Entry into the WTO 加入WTO以后我国消费的发展趋势
There is no restriction on market access concerning the mode of overseas consumption after China entered WTO. So far China has entered the latter part of its five-year transition period after the entry and the competition will be increasingly fierce. 我国入世后,对境外消费方式下的市场准入没有限制,虽然从签约起有五年的过渡期,但目前我们已进入入世后过渡期,因此竞争日益激烈。
The sustainable development in attracting compatriot of Taiwan coming to Fujian to have a trip and to enlarge the amount of compatriot of Taiwan's consumption in Fujian is to keep the front place in entry tourism in the whole country for Fujian province. 吸引台胞来闽旅游持续发展,扩大台胞来闽旅游消费数额,是福建省维持入境游名列全国前茅地位的战略问题。
Tis paper illustrates the relationship between good brand effect and consumption in accordance with the particularity of knitted garment. It also suggests that the key for knitted garment's development and entry into international market is to set up a first-class brand. 本文就针织服装的特殊性叙述了其品牌意义与消费间的关系,提出了建立一流的针织服装品牌是针织服装发展并融入国际市场的关键。
In Logistic regression analysis, the factors including annual alcohol consumption, employee, education level, marriage, sex, age, family income entry the equation for alcohol dependence continuously. 经济收入对酒依赖的影响退居次席。Logistic回归分析年饮酒量、职业、受教育年限、婚姻、性别、年龄、经济收入等因素都相继进入酒依赖的回归方程。
The quality of agricultural products will face a new challenge as China enlarging its inner consumption and the entry of WTO. 随着中国扩大内需和加入WTO步伐的加快,农产品的品质将面临新的挑战。
The main idea of irreversible consumption theory is that "extravagant easy entry by the thrifty, hard by the extravagance frugal", but in the great changes and even before the disaster, income consumers adjusts quickly. 消费不可逆理论的主要思想是由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难,但在巨大的变故或灾难面前,人们的消费会迅速作出调整。